Discover Hidden Connections in Biomedicine and Life Sciences

Our mission is to organize and integrate the world’s biomedical knowledge and make it accessible.

Trusted by industry leaders

Nextnet is the Digital Infrastructure for Collaborative Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making

A life science paper is published every three seconds, so that petabytes of data are available to scientists today. Yet the growing abundance of niche tools and fractured data sources cannot effectively solve modern biotechnology challenges. Scientific revolutions and impactful solutions demand integrated, cross-disciplinary approaches.
Nextnet is a cloud-based platform where scientists discover hidden connections from disparate data, generate hypotheses, and make decisions together. Our rapidly expanding semantic web integrates and contextualizes knowledge from a vast corpus of multi-modal biomedical data scattered across multiple silos.

Conduct semantic searches in natural language or with keywords. Discover concepts and ideas, not just papers and authors. Leverage our vast knowledge network synthesized from disparate data sources. Generate objective hypotheses based on the totality of information instead of best guesses based on limited access to evidence.

  • No-code user interface for data search
  • Quickly access primary evidence
  • Discover insights exponentially faster
  • Beyond text and molecular data

Discover concepts extracted from scientific literature and molecular databases, mapped onto purpose-built ontologies. Decrease your chances of scientific bias and make informed decisions.

  • Switch from Graph to List to see results
  • Accelerate unbiased decision-making
  • Cut through the noise of scientific literature

Our Semantic Biomedical Knowledge Network

Nextnet’s AI-powered ingestion engine is continually extracting concepts from biomedical data sources across domains to ensure that our customers have the full context of available knowledge. Includes scientific literature, patents, sequencing, expression atlases, omics, pathology, approved drugs, biological systems, and other multi-modal data.


Scientific Relationships




Biomedical Publications




Genes, Proteins, and Pathways

Features by plan

Basic Free



Semantic and Conceptual Search

Molecular Data

Pharmacological Info

Pathogen and Microbial Info

Scientific Literature


Search in Graph

Hierarchical Concept Delivery


Save and Share

Tag and Annotate Concepts

Persistent Graph

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